
Elarolah Capital Securities Lending seeks to offer investors the opportunity to unlock the full potential of their portfolios. Our coordinated investment management approach enables us to develop tools that help traders and portfolio managers optimize performance and extract premiums around corporate actions and index changes.

With securities lending there is the risk of loss should the borrower go out of business before the securities are returned, and due to market movements the value of collateral held has fallen and/or the value of the securities on loan has risen.

Our fiduciary responsibility to our clients guides every aspect of our program.

Why Elarolah Capital for Securities Lending?

We lend securities in more than 30 markets and provide around-the-clock “pass-the-book” trading executed on one firm-wide platform. Our traders, strategists, product development specialists, operations staff and client service teams work together to help ensure seamless coverage for our clients.

Our securities lending program is integrated into the firm’s global portfolio management and trading functions. We have a long history of treating securities lending as a core component of the investment management process.

Elarolah Capital has research, trading, risk and cash management personnel exclusively dedicated to the securities lending business. In addition, our technology teams have developed custom client reporting, operations and trading platforms that are used globally throughout our business to help ensure operational efficiency and transparency.

Elarolah Capital manages credit and market exposure of our funds and programs as a fiduciary responsibility. Securities lending risk management is fully integrated within the firm’s global risk management framework and a group assesses the risks being taken on behalf of the funds in which our clients invest.

Our risk management includes: ongoing due diligence, continuous monitoring of counterparties, collateralization and daily mark-to-market, conservative investment of cash collateral and effective use of technology to strive towards operational excellence. While proprietary technology platforms may help manage risk, risk cannot be eliminated.

Capital at risk. All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed.

With securities lending there is the risk of loss should the borrower go out of business before the securities are returned, and due to market movements the value of collateral held has fallen and/or the value of the securities on loan has risen.


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